
Our customers' have the right to expect transparent government information in accordance with AB2040. Orchard Dale Water District complies with the transparency requirements.

Water Code Section 20202 establishes the parameters in which Board members can be compensated for their service. The ODWD Board of directors approved their Per Diem policy at $195.00 per event, for a maximum of ten (10) events per calendar month.

Click HERE to view the State Controller's website regarding Orchard Dale Water District's compensation in California.

Senate Bill 272

Below is a link to Orchard Dale Water District's Enterprise System Catalog pursuant to California Government Code Section 6270.5.

Salary Ranges

Senate Bill 998

Section 3 of Rules and Regulations-Billing Procedures and Payment Provisions

Rules and Regulations

Financial Audits

District Budget

AB 1483

AB 1234

COVID-19 Exposure Protocol

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